Please Check The Xcodebuild Log For More Details

折腾 已解决 xcode9中报错 module compiled with swift 3 1 cannot be imported in swift 3 2.
Please check the xcodebuild log for more details. Provide details and share your research. Dismiss join github today. Please be sure to answer the question. Appium beta xcode 10 1 unable to launch webdriveragent appiumbeta xcode10 1 log.
Carthage update platform ios fetching swiftydropbox fetching alamofire checking out alamofire at 4 9 1 checking out swiftydropbox at 5 1 0 xcodebuild outpu. 注意 このエラーは様々な原因で発生すると思われます 解決策の一つとして見ていただければと思います 状況 carthage update platform ios で task failed with exit co. How to use xcodebuild. Carthage bootstrap した際に task failed with exit code 65 エラーで少しハマったので共有 問題発生編 cd path to project carthage boots.
Making statements based on opinion. Updated to macos catalina and xcode 12 gm. Part of carthage xcodebuild jxfgdc log clean target alamofire watchos of project alamofire with configuration release check dependencies swift language version swift version is required to be configured correctly for targets which use swift. Back them up with references or personal experience.
Until this issue is actually addressed for those using afnetworking as a managed dependency and building using xcode 11 x but also wanting to avoid forking to edit the project file to ignore the warnings shown above it turns out you can workaround this issue when using carthage quite easily. 2019 12 15 an hour read about 8628 words. Github is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code manage projects and build software together. To learn more see our tips on writing great answers.