Fall Behind On 意味
Fall behind の使い方と意味 fall behind 後れを取る 脱落 だつらく する 落後 らくご する 学校 がっこう などで 落ちこぼれる.
Fall behind on 意味. To be lacking comparison to others progress. Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning. Hang back or fall behind in movement progress development etc. 自 自 人が 競争 予定 仕事などに 遅れる in on with 自 事に 遅れをとる with on fall behind with the rent.
I ve fallen behind with that show can you tell me what happened in the latest episode. If you ve fallen behind the other people in your math class you need. 勉強が遅れるのは嫌だ leave something behind を置き去りにする 持っていくのを 忘れる. 私の後ろに隠れて 彼に見られちゃうよ その他の重要なbehind表現 例文7 fall behind に遅れを取る i don t wanna fall behind in school.
He s gonna see you. Idiomatic intransitive to be late for a regular event you re falling behind with the rent. Fall behind 後れを取る 脱落する 落後する 学校などで 落ちこぼれる she missed three weeks of cl. I fell behind with my schoolwork when i had the flu.